Monday, August 26, 2024

Fond Memories: High School Knicker Inspections

 Followed by a good, smart spanking in front of all your friends.

Click image to enlarge.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


"Running up bills isn't difficult when you're on a student nurse's salary; forgetting to pay your landlord is almost as simple. However, when the rent comes due at the end of the month, £62 - at one pound a stroke - can seem a trifle...exorbitant."

[Image: BS01-38LRGcrop.jpg]

"It's basically a case of pay the rent or out you go bare your bottom! There'll be a 'damned good' spanking first, with tears on the pillow before the cane stretches its chastening fingers across spank-tingling bottom-cheeks!"

From: Blushes Supplement number 1.

[Image: NurseInspection001.jpg]

Meanwhile, back at the dormitory, freshly-minted candy-stripers are subjected to snap inspections during Matron's rounds (followed by a nice, brisk spanking on the buns by the attending physician). 

[Image: NurseInspection.jpg]
It appears that nobody gets off scott-free in the UK, even under Great Britain's National Health Service. 

From: Uniform Girls number 31, pages 3-13.

Age reduction filter

OK, this may seem a little off-topic, but bear with me. We now have AI programs that can alter the age of a photographic subject (and, in some cases, change the gender as well). The technology still has its flaws; the image posted below isn't perfect, but it's still incredibly good, considering that the original photo featured a middle-aged male. If this is what we're capable of doing now, imagine what we'll be able to accomplish in just a couple of years...


Friday, August 23, 2024

Knickers on Display anticipation of an extremely painful spanking:

[Image: Blushes06Crop.jpg]
[Image: BlushesNov1986P35.jpeg]
[Image: B77P01COLLRG.jpg]

Blushes 30: Inside Cover

Inside cover to Blushes no. 30, February 1987. Blushes sometimes used images of this nature to whet their readers' appetites for "schoolgirl" spanking stories.

[Image: Handstanding001.jpg]

[Image: Handstanding002ALRG.jpeg]


 Taking their knickers down for a good, smart spanking on the buns!

[Image: UndercoveredLRG.jpg]
[Image: Miranda003LRG.jpg]

[Image: Miranda002LRG.jpg]


Now a senior in high school, Sandra considered herself way too mature for a spanking. Needless to say, she was in for a very rude awakening:

From: Uniform Girls number 43, page 8.

See more at our BBS.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Contractual Obligations

Young Moira Mitchell takes a domestic position on an isolated British island, never realizing (until far too late) that her new employer has other plans for her. After moving in, Moira is forced to play a game of penalties which she can't possibly win.

Every time she loses, she must either remove an article of clothing - or go over her landlord's knee for a good, smart spanking. Needless to say, her options become severely limited once she's stripped all the way down to her knickers and stockings...

[Image: MoiraLingerie003BlueCrop.jpg]
As the game progresses, Moira is forced to bare her bottom for the proverbial spanking of a lifetime, but her troubles don't end there. Now completely subject to her employer's authority, she is required to play game after game, day after day, always  with the same humiliating consequences.


Poor Moira. No backing out of the contract now. Well, at least we know she's gainfully employed for the moment :)


From: "In A Gentleman's Employ," Blushes no. 29, January, 1987.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Le Serveur

Yes, the rumors are true: Ridley Scott started out directing TV commercials for Dim Lingerie in 1977. Lasting barely 40 seconds from start to finish, "Le Serveur" became one of the most influential campaigns in advertising history due to its exquisite visuals, subtle lighting and understated sense of humor. Viewed in retrospect, we can infer the reason behind Sigourney Weaver's gratuitous striptease at the end of Alien two years later.
