Friday, August 9, 2024

Contractual Obligations

Young Moira Mitchell takes a domestic position on an isolated British island, never realizing (until far too late) that her new employer has other plans for her. After moving in, Moira is forced to play a game of penalties which she can't possibly win.

Every time she loses, she must either remove an article of clothing - or go over her landlord's knee for a good, smart spanking. Needless to say, her options become severely limited once she's stripped all the way down to her knickers and stockings...

[Image: MoiraLingerie003BlueCrop.jpg]
As the game progresses, Moira is forced to bare her bottom for the proverbial spanking of a lifetime, but her troubles don't end there. Now completely subject to her employer's authority, she is required to play game after game, day after day, always  with the same humiliating consequences.


Poor Moira. No backing out of the contract now. Well, at least we know she's gainfully employed for the moment :)


From: "In A Gentleman's Employ," Blushes no. 29, January, 1987.

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