Sunday, March 15, 2020

Loiras vs Morenas

You gotta hand it to those ingenious Brazilians; nobody else could have come up with a show that enticed pretty young women to shed their clothing in public (OK, there's also the Russians, the French, the Italians and the Japanese, but you get my point).

The program in question was Festa Do Mallandro ("Mallandros Party"), and the segment portrayed above was  Loiras vs Morenas - "blondes vs brunettes". As the name suggests, the contestants played incredibly silly games which required them to strip down to their bras and panties, usually cheered on by a rampant audience.


Festa ran for a total of six seasons between 1997 and 2002, achieving a level of success rarely surpassed to the present day. Needless to say, the weekly stripteases undoubtedly contributed to the show's high ratings and popularity with the general public.

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